
Rufinus: A Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed is unavailable, but you can change that!

The most important work of Rufinus, and aimed at persons under instruction for the sacraments, this work offers a guide to teaching and defending the Creed. It offers a glimpse of popular Christian apologetics at the beginning of the fifth century. Edited by J. N. D. Kelly.

human race. Moses makes this plain in his Canticle in Deuteronomy, saying: When the Lofty One divided the nations, … He appointed the bounds of the nations according to the number of God’s angels.83 Several of these, however, including the one called the Prince of the World,84 refused to administer the power entrusted them by God in harmony with the terms on which they had received it. Instead, they instructed mankind to obey, not God’s ordinances, but their own criminal suggestions. As a result,
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